Preschoolers and abundance

Preschoolers and abundance

I enjoy the company of two delightful friends. These 3 year old twins exude everything abundant, including energy. The word “still” only describes them when sleeping, maybe.

We chatted yesterday, as they balance-walked along the curb, ran down the sidewalk and then rode their tiny bicycles. Michael proudly showed me two pennies and announced, “I have money.” Mom rolled her eyes as if to say, “if he only knew how little money that is”.

To Michael, two pennies represent treasure. He has plenty of food and toys. He has a home and loving parents, two sisters and even a brother to wrestle with. Two pennies count above his needs. They are fun money.

Michael and Samuel continued sharing joyful treasures, between wrestling and chasing. “I got lellow boots (yellow rubbers worn with his swim suit, quite stylish).” ” We wearing our sim suits.” “We got gass (as he pulls a few blades of grass).” “Our baby is Emma.”

In just a few moments, two 3 year olds taught me how to see all of life as abundant. A blade of grass, pennies, yellow boots, and baby sister. Each a joyful reminder that life is great and they are grateful for each. They have unlimited time and energy for basking in the pleasure of each moment, and clarity of vision to see blessings in seemingly insignificant things. While their mother may sometimes wish for less exuberance and energy, Michael and Samuel exemplify joyful abundance. “And a little child shall lead them.”