Scripture Study Lite

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Scripture Study Lite Graphic
Are you ready to upgrade your scripture study?

Many of us use smart phones these days. There are numerous “apps” that we download to our phones that are useful. I use a GPS app for navigation and an audio book app to listen to books while walking or driving. There are literally millions of apps to choose from. Often a “lite” version of an app is available to allow people to try it before buying the full version.

I wonder, do I sometimes treat the scriptures like a try-before-you-buy app? At what point do I decide to really invest in scripture study? Am I willing to move from 5 minutes before bed to 30 minutes or more? Such a change is a considerable commitment, but one that changes my experience with the scriptures more significantly than upgrading an app enhances my tech.

I’ve found that my intention is key to upgrading my scripture study. If I study to “check a box” on my righteousness checklist each day i am strengthened less and inspired less. If I open the scriptures with gratitude and expectation of coming inspiration, I gain greater strength and also enthusiasm.

I need to believe in flawed heroes and divinely commissioned underdogs.

Unfortunately, the scriptures have from time to time fallen into disuse in my life. For me, this tends to happen when I  forget to cherish them. The scriptures are a means provided by a loving God to connect with Him. They provide example after example of mortal men and women, with faults on brilliant display, making mistakes and tripping over their weaknesses . . . and succeeding in God’s work despite it all. I need these reminders that God is willing to be merciful and patient with me just the way He is with those I read about. I need to believe in flawed heroes and divinely commissioned underdogs.

The price of upgrading to the full version of scripture study is not just time and effort. Though these “sacrifices” are part of it. The primary cost of the upgrade is my heart. Do I want to connect more than I want my normal evening distractions or my morning ‘busy-ness?’

I have learned that once I make the initial effort to connect or reconnect to God through scripture, I begin to have a heart that desires more inspiration, a heart less willing to settle for the distractions this life so readily offers.

If you’re currently using the “lite” version of scripture study in your life, consider upgrading. Perhaps you can start by simply sitting with the scriptures in your hands and without opening them, thinking about the different things you have felt and learned throughout your life  from the scriptures. Express gratitude and when you feel the beginnings of Spirit opening up your heart, open the scriptures and begin anew with fresh eyes and an eager mind and heart.

Some upgrades are just worth it.