The Power of Two Words “I Am”

I AM“I am so tired.” “I am depressed.” I hear these and other similar phrases daily. Admittedly I think or say such phrases sometimes. Then I wonder why I fall asleep whenever I sit in a comfortable chair.

I am. Two little words with life changing power. What happens when we declare “I am”? What we declare becomes real. Try a little experiment:

First, say “I am tired” five times. Do you suddenly feel like you can barely put a foot forward or that your favorite recliner is calling?

Now say “I am energetic” five times. Do you feel a difference?

Let’s bump up the energy. Turn on your favorite high energy music and say “I am energetic” like you really are overflowing with energy. Whoa! What just happened? Did you feel a shift?

Let’s insert some new phrases. “I am a warrior of truth.” “I am lovable.” “I am financially blessed.” “I am committed to changing lives.” Can you feel belief pumping through your body as you fervently repeat your chosen “I am” statement. As you speak powerfully, a glimmer of belief bursts through your once darkened mind. That glimmer grows with each empowered repetition, similar to a struck match used to ignite multiple candles.

Jesus Christ declared His identity by stating “I am your Lord, Your God. I am Him who was sent. I am might to save.” He knew His identity and His role. He declared for all to know, “I am.”

A spark resides in each person, a hope of a better life, a better world. That tiny light reminds us of a person we imagine we could be. Often, we snuff it out with countless believed statements, such as, “I am not good enough”, “I am poor”, “I am too busy”, or “I am not worth God’s notice”.

We create our life experience with those two short words. “I am.” Are you ready to ignite your passion? How can you change lives, yours and others, by completing that sentence in new ways? “I am…..” Fill in the blank.