Turn Back to Move Forward

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Picture of a path in the woodsDiscontent is commonplace these days. Our advertising suggests that who we are and what own is not good enough. We are taught to move forward, to progress and improve–to upgrade as quickly and as often as possible. I have found that for my life, this approach doesn’t give me satisfaction. It doesn’t quiet my clamoring for something more or better. I sense that what I most desire requires something beyond the approach we are taught.

As counter-intuitive as is sounds, the way forward requires turning back. Why? Because most of us, perhaps all of us, are going in the wrong direction, no matter how hard we try to do otherwise.

King Limhi, the ruler of a sorely chastened break-off group of Nephites in the the Book of Mormon said, “. . . How blind and impenetrable are the understandings of the children of men; for they will not seek wisdom, neither do they desire that she should rule over them!” (Mosiah 8:20)

If I will listen and obey without having to understand all of the whys up front, God will show me how to get back on course, every time.

Limhi understood that mankind can be quite dense no matter how hard we try to understand and solve our own problems. The reason for this is simple, really. We lack eternal perspective and proper grounding in eternal principles. This, turning back, back towards God, before we set off on our next adventure is very necessary if we are to make real progress.

In this truth, I find real comfort and encouragement. Whenever I feel discouraged and stuck and frustrated, I need only pause and resolve to talk to God openly about my situation and my approach, and what might be keeping me from doing things His way in the first place. If I will do this, He guides me by His Spirit. If I will listen and obey without having to understand all of the whys up front, God will show me how to get back on course, every time. Then, If I will remember to do this often and not shrug off the gentle hand of wisdom i will make progress. This type of progress is the sweetest, as it brings with it real satisfaction.