Where Stillness Begins

http://traffic.libsyn.com/higherattitudes/where_stillness_starts.mp3 Stillness is a rare commodity in our modern world. Perhaps, when we think about stillness we see cloistered monks in austere monasteries or monks in Tibetan temples. We may even subconsciously think that only those with the time and … Continued

Alter Call for Santa Claus

  http://traffic.libsyn.com/higherattitudes/Alter_call_for_santa_claus_3.mp3 The way we are encouraged to believe in Santa Claus, to believe, to put away our doubts about his existence each year bears a strong resemblance to the way we are invited to believe in and accept Jesus … Continued

Pass the Judgement

http://traffic.libsyn.com/higherattitudes/pass_the_judgement_2.mp3 We just passed the season when we pass the mashed potatoes and the green bean casserole. But we haven’t stopped passing that other side-dish that is so common in our lives–Judgement. Yes, we pass judgement but we also pass … Continued

Think on These Things – Philippians 4:8-9

posted in: Encouragement, Podcasts | 0

http://traffic.libsyn.com/higherattitudes/Think_on_These_Things_-_Philippians_4-8-9.mp3   In this show Tom focuses on verses 8 and 9 and the counsel the apostle Paul gives the people of Philippi. These verses add to verses 6 and 7 by telling readers what there part is in maintaining … Continued

The Peace of God – Philippians 4:7

posted in: Encouragement, Podcasts | 0

http://traffic.libsyn.com/higherattitudes/The_Peace_of_God_-_Philippians_4-7.mp3   In this show Tom focuses on verse 7 and its promise of peace, a special kind of peace, the Peace of God. The Peace of God is nothing less than the atonement of Jesus Christ. It is made … Continued

Leave Care Behind – Philippians 4:6

posted in: Encouragement, Podcasts | 0

http://traffic.libsyn.com/higherattitudes/Philippians_4-6.mp3   Anxiety is the devil’s weapon and God wants us to become immune to it. Philippians 4:6 holds the key to start the process of exchanging fear and anxiety for something much better. This is the first of three … Continued

Commitment and Belief

posted in: Encouragement, Podcasts | 0

http://traffic.libsyn.com/higherattitudes/Commitment_and_Belief_v2.mp3   Click the image or the link below to listnCommitment is an important part of moving forward towards our goals and dreams. Without commitment our efforts wander, starting and stopping without much progress. However, commitment without belief rarely succeeds … Continued

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